Wednesday 4 January 2012

Inman Aligner

Many new orthodontics techniques have emerged in the past decade or so and many have performed well and became very popular due to their functionality and performance. Most of these techniques now hold the major share of the market consisting of traditional teeth straightening equipments. The technology is growing at a rapid rate and so are the techniques involved in teeth straightening. There is a strong competition in the market between the existing braces and the newly arrived Aligners. This is obvious that every new item coming to the market must have something better than the existing things to make its mark among the people and be successful. Similarly, the Inman Aligner is less visible than the traditional braces when they are put on.

What is Inman Aligner?

There are many devices used in orthodontics these days and Inman aligner is one among them. Orthodontics is related to straightening your teeth, so as expected Inman Aligner fulfils the same purpose. The Inman Aligner is one of the latest scientific devices that make straightening your teeth a simple and effortless act. Many people face the problem of crooked teeth and all they ever need was to make them straight. They didn’t had many options for this work as fixed braces or clear braces were the only available to them. Braces are a good option for straightening your teeth but it really takes long time to get the teeth in the position you wanted and moreover the heavy grinding of teeth can be painful and scary. This long process has even lead people to leave their teeth the way they are and live it like they have before.

Inman Aligner is the real alternative you are looking for if you don’t need those braces being stuck to your teeth forever. Inman Aligner works efficiently in straightening your front teeth and it takes about 6-16 weeks to complete the process of straightening for which usual braces would have taken months. As you would have guessed that Inman Aligner is really beneficial and the very first benefit of Inman Aligner is their visibility. They are less visible than the usual braces and the people don’t even get to know that you have put on something on your teeth. The Inman Aligner consists of a set of springs attached to the either ends fixed to the premolars. The hardware runs throughout the length of entire device but only a single string is visible along the front areas of the teeth. Is has a transparent covering attached to the string that holds the teeth and the gums together in place.

Working mechanism of Inman Aligner

The most positive aspect about the Inman Aligner is that is works faster than most of the aligners available in the market as present. The working of Inman Aligner is based on the spring technology. The ends of the springs are attached to the back of the premolars making the spring apply pressure on the front teeth. This continuous pressure exerted by the spring on the teeth makes them respond faster to changes as compared to braces. Inman Aligner aligns the teeth to their required position 40% faster than other alignment techniques. There are different kinds of Inman Aligners available in the market and you got several options to choose from. For those who are willing to spend some extra bit of money for better results, there are aligners with white strings than the usual steel ones. Being white in color makes the aligner almost invisible when it is put on. Thus the aligner can be expected to be completely invisible.

Another factor that makes Inman Aligner a better choice over the traditional braces is the cost. Inman Aligners are far cheaper than ceramic braces as they are available for a price of $2500 to $4000 in most places. One additional advantage is that you can afford to remove them for few hours a day if you feel tired of putting them. These aligners are not permanent and are easily removable. Your orthodontist will explain the procedure of putting on and taking off the aligner. This makes it really easy for you to brush your teeth after removing them and putting them on after you are done which was not the case with your permanent braces.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Comparison with Invisalign Braces and Traditional Braces

Nowadays there are various techniques available for teeth straightening. More and more people have become curious about their dental treatment. Orthodontics has become a very important field in the dental studies. In the past metal braces were the only method to straighten the teeth but as the technology has advanced, more alternatives have emerged. One among such new techniques is the use of Invisalign Braces. Invisalign Braces are clear, transparent, removable plastic aligners. The main purpose of Invisalign Braces is to straighten your teeth without the use of the traditional metal braces and avoiding that metallic looks.
Invisalign Braces are almost invisible, custom made for your teeth to be aligned in the proper manner. They are made with the exact specifications to shift your teeth to the desired position. The initial step for this is the impression of your teeth that will be taken by your dentist. Using these impression clear aligners will be created to match your treatment plan. After the aligners are made, each pair is worn on for 2 weeks. The complete treatment plan may vary from your present condition to your desired condition, but usually it takes a year. There are a number of differences between Invisalign Braces and the traditional braces as Invisalign Braces are removable and the later are permanent. You can afford to remove them when you feel tired of putting them on or you have some special occasion to attend. You get the flexibility with Invisalign Braces as you can remove them have brush your teeth and put them back on which isn’t possible with your traditional braces.
Invisalign Braces are also preferred by adults who don’t want to put on those permanent metal wires on them. Many people who use Invisalign Braces also claim that they are much more comfortable as compared to the traditional braces. To properly use Invisalign Braces they must be removed before you eat or drink something and put them back on when you are done with it. Computerized treatment is also an important part of Invisalign treatment. The duration of the complete process and the expected outcome smile can be reviewed using high quality software and computerized planning. This also lets you decide whether or not you want to go ahead with your treatment. Using technology reduces the chances of error and saves up lots of money in case you decide not to choose the treatment after looking at the outcome which would not have been possible in case of traditional braces. There are many cosmetic advantages of Invisalign Braces adding to this they also avoid many side effects caused by the traditional braces. Studied have proved that there is major impact on gums and supporting tissue of people who go with traditional metallic braces. Tooth decay and demineralization can also occur and this isn’t good because you may fall for some other problem in trying to get over one. Non removable traditional braces also cause the roots of the teeth to become shorten which is never desired. Invisalign Braces are less painful and cause very less side effects as compared to their ancestors, the traditional braces.
A lot of people prefer Invisalign Braces due to the easy, comfort and good looking features. A study has also proved that Invisalign Braces takes 12-18 months for complete treatment whereas the traditional braces may take up to 36 months for the same. There are some terms that your dentist will be familiar with and will suggest you for the treatment.
Overbite - When your upper teeth bite over your lower teeth;
 Underbite - When your upper teeth bite under your lower teeth;
 Overly crowded teeth - When there is not enough room in your jaw for your teeth to fit in normally;
 Widely spaced teeth - When there is too much space between your teeth;
 Crossbite - When some of your upper teeth bite above your lower teeth, and some bite under your lower teeth.

If you have any of the above issues, then you need Invisalign Braces. Being the fastest method to get your teeth straightened, it is recommended. Although there are expensive surgeries that can serve the purpose but if you look at your budget, Invisalign Braces is the best of all.